Friday 11 November 2016

What pills can I take to get pregnant with twins?

There are many reasons that a couple may choose to have twins rather than a single child. For couples who have been struggling through fertility issues, having more than one child is time may mean that they will not have to go to the process again. Other parents may simply desire to avoid the pain of going through multiple childbirths at the hospital. 

Regardless of your reason of looking to have twins, there are many ways that you can improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins. One of the best ways is to relying on fertility pills that can improve your chances of conceiving more than one child at time. Below you will find some of the best options that you can choose from, when you are looking to become pregnant with twins.

1. Clomid

Clomid is one of the most popular fertility drugs and will help increase your chances of becoming pregnant with twins because it affects ovulation. One of the main reasons that it is used is to start and regulate ovulation and to potentially create hyper ovulation.

Many times Clomid is used in order to treat women for in vitro fertilization and are popular because they help to stimulate the body to release more than one egg. In order to become pregnant with twins, two eggs will need to be fertilized and this will give you a better chance of this occurring.

2. Humegon

This is a popular option because it helps to have an impact on certain hormones that can increase the chances of becoming pregnant with twins. Because of the way it works in the body, it can improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins by working with the hormones and stimulating the follicles to produce more eggs at a time.

3. Parlodel

This fertility pill is also a popular option when women are looking to become pregnant with twins because it can increase the number of eggs that are releasing one time. Its true effectiveness depends on a number of factors regarding the specific nature of the woman’s body and her hormones.

4. Pergonal

This is one of the most popular pills that you can take to become pregnant with twins because it will improve the chances of releasing luteinizing hormone so that there will be more eggs that are ready to drop into the uterus when it is time for them to be fertilize.

5. Other ways improve my chances

There are also some natural methods that you can try to help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins along with taking these fertility pills. For example, women who are older and are overweight tend to have a better chance of becoming pregnant with twins than those who are younger and have a healthier weight.

Also there are many couples to have twins a run in the family which will give them a better chance of becoming pregnant with twins as well. Unfortunately, this is not something that you can arrange, so this will be left up to chance.
Large families also have a better chance of having twins, so the more children that you have the more likely it is will become pregnant with twins. You can also think about adding yams to your diet because there are nutrients in them they can also improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins.

6. Conclusion

If you’re thinking about becoming pregnant with twins, you will be happy to know that there are many options for you to try out in order to increase your chances. Among the fertility pills that you can take, there are also many natural things that you can do that will increase your chances of conceiving twins when you become pregnant.
Unfortunately, there is no way that you can guarantee that you will become pregnant with twins and it is important that you do not become upset if you find that you’re not pregnant with twins after trying some of these pills were methods that are listed above. Typically, there is very little that you can do to guarantee that you will become pregnant with twins and it is often something that is simply something that chance has a hand in.


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