Friday 11 November 2016

Clomid and Conceiving Twins: What are your Chances?

If you have been taking Clomid, one of the main questions that you may be asking is whether you have an increased chance of having twins. When you look at the news today, it may seem as if more and more women who rely on Clomid are having twins.

However, this is not that true and statistics show that the chances of having twins while taking Clomid is about 10%. There is even less of a chance that you will have triplets or higher when you are taking Clomid and results show that less than 1% of women have multiple births greater than twins.
In fact, clinical studies have shown that about 7% of the trial pregnancies lead to twins when the women were taking Clomid and about 0.5% led to triplets and 0.3% led to quadruplets.

1. What about identical twins?

Research shows that most twins who are born to women who have been taking Clomid will not be identical twins. These trials show that about one out of every five pregnancies that resulted in twins also resulted in identical twins. This means that 80% of the twin pregnancies to women who were taking Clomid were fraternal twins.

The reason for this is that Clomid increases your chances of conceiving twins when your ovaries produce more than one egg. Since identical twins come from one egg rather than two, it is more likely that you will become pregnant with fraternal twins rather than identical twins.

2. Risks

Some women specifically ask to be prescribed Clomid because they are looking to have twins. These women may want to only go through the pregnancy cycle once in their lifetime or they may be older and looking to have more than one child. They believe that by taking Clomid they will have a better chance of becoming pregnant with twins.

However, it is important to realize that if you become pregnant with twins there is greater risk to you and the babies during the pregnancy. Giving birth to twins typically means that you will deliver prematurely and there is a greater chance that it will be by a C-section. This is definitely something you need to consider before you try becoming pregnant with twins.

3. Alternatives

There are also some other factors to consider when you’re trying to become pregnant with twins. Some women have been able to use a higher dosage of Clomid so that they have a greater chance of becoming pregnant with twins. However, this may also mean that you have thicker cervical mucus which makes it more difficult for you to become pregnant in the first place.
There are also many supplements that you can take over-the-counter that will help you hyper ovulate so that you will produce more than one egg. By doing so, you will be able to have a greater chance of becoming pregnant with twins and will be able to improve your chances of becoming pregnant as well.

For some families, it is more likely that you will have twins simply because it runs in the family. If your grandparents have twins or if a cousin has twins, there is a greater chance that you will have them as well. It is said that twins typically skip a generation so, if this is true, if your parents are twins you may have a less likely chance of having them yourself.

4. Conclusion

Clomid can definitely raise your chances of becoming pregnant with twins and while this may be preferable for some, it may be less desirable for others. In fact, many women may be hesitant to take it because they fear they will become pregnant with twins. While this is understandable concern, it is highly unlikely that you will become pregnant with twins unless they run in your family.
You should talk to your doctor about your chances of becoming pregnant with twins as well as the risks that may be involved if you do find that you are pregnant with multiple babies. This may help you consider whether taking Clomid is right for you or if you should switch to a different type of fertility drug or method. There are many options available and your doctor will be able to help you compare them between each other.


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