Friday 18 November 2016

Symptoms of being Pregnant with Twins

Being pregnant is full of symptoms and excitement.

 When pregnant, parents become excited about many things that they will get to experience throughout the pregnancy, such as seeing the first ultrasound or hearing the heartbeat for the first time. However, these exciting times are sometimes filled with some surprises as well. This is the time that many women learn that they are having twins!

Having twins can be a scary thing, but there are those parents who are excited to learn that they are having multiple children. Some, especially those who have been trying to conceive for an extended period of time, are excited that they will be having more than one child.

It is also typical for twins to have a special bond that is not shared with other siblings, so this can be a popular reason to want twins as well. If you are wondering if you are having twins, there are multiple signs that you are.

1. HcG levels

At times doctors will track the amount of HcG that a woman has in her system. Ten days after a pregnancy has begun, HcG levels begin to rise quickly in women. After about ten weeks they will finally begin the process of leveling out.

However, for women who are pregnant with twins, they tend to rise higher than women who are only having a single child. This can be an indicator of a multiple birth, but there are also instances where the HcG levels fall in the normal range as well.

2. Heartbeat Count

Many women discover the possibility of twins when their doctor detects multiple heartbeats late in the first trimester. By using a Doppler System, doctors are able to amplify the sounds a baby’s heart makes so that the parents, doctors and nurses can hear it. It is possible, however, that background noise interferes with this system and makes it sound as though there are more heartbeats than there really is.

3. Severe Morning Sickness

Some women also find that their morning sickness is much stronger when they are having twins than it is with a single birth. Although this only occurs about 15% of the time, extreme morning sickness is something that can definitely be an indicator of having twins.

4. Rapid Weight Gain

Since it takes more room for both babies, additional weight gain can be expected for women who are having twins. Usually a woman who is giving birth to twins will gain an additional 10 pounds when she is pregnant with twins and will be larger as well. However, this may be difficult to determine because weight gain varies from one pregnancy to the next.

5. AFP Screening

During the second trimester, an AFP blood screening is taken and if the mother is pregnant with twins this screening may read high. After a high reading, doctors will then schedule an ultrasound in order to confirm the occurrence of twins.

6. Movement of the baby

Women who are pregnant with twins may begin to feel movement sooner than if she was only pregnant with one baby. However, doctors argue about this fact because every woman seems to feel their baby moving at different times. Women who have already had a pregnancy, even report a difference in the timeframe that they feel their baby move for the first time.

7. History

Some women are prone to have multiple birth pregnancies, which makes them at a higher risk to be pregnant with twins. These are the women who have had twins in the past or who have a history of twins in the family. These items can make it more likely that a pregnant woman is pregnant with twins.

8. Conclusion

Parents who find that they are pregnant with twins can be very excited. However, the idea of having more than one baby at the same time can be scary and challenging. It can also be more expensive because you will need to purchase double of everything.
If you learn that you are pregnant with twins, you are likely to feel excited and terrified at the same time. However, with all the challenges that are involved, having two bundles of joy simply means that you will have double the love to spread between the two.


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