Wednesday 9 November 2016

How to have twins naturally with Cassava

When you are looking to become pregnant, there are many things that you can take to naturally improve your chances. However, becoming pregnant with twins is more difficult and harder to predict. While some couples are looking to only have one child, there are many reasons why a couple may want to have multiple children at the same time.

1. Reasons a couple may want twins

For example, some couples may have waited until they are older to have children and are therefore limited on the amount of time that they have left to become pregnant. If this couple desires more than one child, having twins may be preferable.

Other couples may have been trying for many months to become pregnant and may desire to have twins so that they will not need to go through the process again. This may give them a greater desire to become pregnant with twins so that they will be able to save money on future fertility treatments.

2. What is cassava?

One item that can help you become pregnant with twins is cassava. This all-natural plant supplement has been used for many years to help increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant and is a natural occurring item that you can take on your own.

This plant is native to tropical countries as well as South America, but it is usually produced in Nigeria. The Yoruba tribe lives on this starchy tuber and are known because they have the highest rate of twins in the entire world.

3. Research

After much research has been conducted, it is believed that the chemicals that are found in cassava can actually cause hyper ovulation. Because of this, women who take cassava supplements or  eat the plant are more likely to have twins and those who do not.

Although there is no proof that this occurs, the fact that the Yoruba women have so many twins points to truth behind the studies. Since these studies have been conducted, there have been numerous products placed on the market that allow women to gain the same types of nutrients that are found in the plant.

4. Supplements

Not only does cassava help with trying to have twins, it also helps to increase your overall fertility as well. These supplements are available online and are fairly reasonable in price. You are only required to take one capsule per day, which will increase your ovulation and help you to hyper ovulate. These supplements can help raise your chances of becoming pregnant with twins simply by providing you with the same nutrients that are found in plant itself.

5. Will I be guaranteed to have twins

There is no guarantee that any product that you take will help you become pregnant with twins. There is a combination of things that can help you become pregnant with twins, including a history in the family, your age, or certain treatments that you undergo.

However, there is no way to guarantee that you will become pregnant with twins and for many women it is more important to become pregnant at all rather than trying to become pregnant with multiple children.

6. Conclusion

Cassava is a great product that can increase your overall chances of becoming pregnant with twins. Some research shows that the supplements have the power to increase your chances drastically when you’re trying to become pregnant with twins, but it is important that you do not get your hopes up.

While many people avoid taking for fertility drugs for fear that they will become pregnant with twins, there are people who are looking for this exact thing to happen. If you are one of these people, you can increase your chances by taking cassava along with other things that your are already trying.
In order for it to be the most successful, it is a good idea to track your ovulation cycle so that you will know when you’re ovulating and when the best time to have intercourse is. You should always talk to your doctor before beginning any supplement so that you understand how it will affect your body and the concerns that you should have while taking it. Keep in mind that it will not work for everyone and there is a good chance that you will still become pregnant with only one child.


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