Monday 7 November 2016

How likely is it to get Pregnant with Twins again?

When you have already had twins, the chances of you having another set of them with another pregnancy are increased quite a bit. While it is impossible to predict if you will have twins with another pregnancy, the odds are definitely increased if you have already had a set of them to begin with.

Keep in mind that this increase only refers to couples who have had fraternal twins. Those who have had identical twins in the past actually have a lower chance of having a second set of identical twins in the future.

During a normal pregnancy, women have about a 1 in 90 shot of becoming pregnant with fraternal twins naturally. However, if they use fertility pills to become pregnant, they have a 1 in 35 chance of having fraternal twins.

If you wind up in one of the categories that have already had a set of fraternal twins, you will find that your chances of a repeat multiple births will be 1 in 12. However, if you are using fertility drugs for this pregnancy as well, you will find that your odds are not improved that much for this pregnancy.


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