Monday 21 November 2016

Doctors Take Twin Babies Off Life Support Against Parents' Wishes

A court order allowed doctors in the U.K. to proceed with the life-ending measure.

The Short of It

Muslim parents of twin babies who suffered from an irreversible, progressive neurological disorder wanted to keep their children on life support—for religious reasons, and because they hoped for a cure. But a British court ruled doctors could remove the boys' life support, thus ending their short lives.

The Lowdown

The parents of 14-month-old twin boys who had been hospitalized since January told a British court that taking their children off life support before their brains stopped working was against their faith—and equivalent to killing them. They also claimed their babies smiled in response to their feet being tickled. But doctors claimed this was not possible due to the severity of their condition, and said keeping the boys alive was "futile and unjustifiable."

The court agreed, writing:

"These boys are merely artificially surviving. Their situation is unquestionably irreversible, and can only deteriorate progressively further... it seems to me that artificially to prolong their lives in this particular case lacks any purpose, confers no benefit at all apart from the fact of physical survival, and involves perpetuating the infliction of pain and discomfort for no gain or purpose. It is not in the best interests of either boy that the process be artificially prolonged, and it is in their best interests that nature should now be permitted to take its inevitable course. That is the tragic genetic destiny of each of these boys."

Five days after a court order was signed, doctors at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital removed the twins from life support. A spokesperson for the hospital said it did not take this decision lightly, as one can only hope.

The Upshot

It's tragic the babies' parents and doctors could not agree on how to care for those helpless boys. But frankly, it's a little scary that a court could override a family's wishes for how their children's lives should end, especially given their religious convictions. The pain the parents must now be experiencing is unimaginable. Our thoughts are with them at this very difficult time.


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