Thursday 10 November 2016

How To Increase Your Chances Of Having Twins?

1. Upping The Odds

Many couples, for one reason or another, have a strong desire to have twins. There are couples out there whose desire to give birth to twins is so strong, they consistently seek out advice on the best ways to increase the chances of having twins. If you are one of those couples, keep reading to find out how to increase your odds.

2. Your Family History

Although this definitely isn’t something that you can change, your family historyis one of the biggest determining factors about your likelihood to have twins. Some families are just more likely to have twins. Talk to your family members to determine if you have a history of twins in your family.

3. Increase Your Dairy

A recent study suggests that women who eat dairy are up to five times more likely to conceive twins than women who do not consume dairy at all. The reasoning is still unknown, but most think it is because the hormones in milk and other dairy products are able to increase the chances of twins.

4. Try Folic Acid

Taking folic acid supplements while trying to conceive is a good idea anyway, but if you are wanting to conceive twins, they might be an even better idea. One recent study even suggests that women who took a folic acid supplement before they got pregnant were close to 40 percent more likely to conceive twins.

5. Breastfeed Longer

Studies indicate that women who are currently breastfeeding while trying to conceive another baby are up to nine times more likely to have twins. No one really knows the reason for this strange correlation, but if you are breastfeeding and want twins, you might want to delay weaning for a while and give this method a shot.

6. Be Heavier

Women who are heavier or even overweight for some reason have a higher chance of conceiving twins. Researchers are not really sure why this is true, but it is definitely a strange fact. However, being overweight can cause lots of health problems, so do not try to gain weight on purpose just to increase your odds of twins.

7. Yams?

While this may sound a bit on the crazy side, there are studies that indicate that women who live in other countries where yams make up a large portion of the diet have a much higher instance of having twins. It may or may not work, but increasing your yam/sweet potato intake could be a way to go.


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