Friday 9 December 2016

Ultrasound Photo Shows Dying Twin Holding Sister's Hand

The family of a twin with birth defects is comforted by an ultrasound photo of him with his sister.

The Short of It

A dying twin is holding his sister's hand in utero in an amazing ultrasound image.

The Lowdown

Brittani and Ian McIntire recently learned they were expecting twins, whom they named Mason and Madilyn. But their joy soon turned to sorrow when they found out their baby boy has a hole in his heart and an abnormal brain, and he's not expected to live past birth.

"He's only weighing 9 ounces, and his sister is over 2 pounds," Brittani told KWCH12 in Wichita.

The blow of this devastating news was slightly cushioned by a remarkable thing the McIntires noticed in the twins' ultrasound photo: They appear to be holding hands. In the image, you can actually see Mason's much smaller hand wrapped around Madilyn's finger.

"We know we have a piece of them together that will last forever... and it's special to have," Ian said. Brittani adds, "It's just nice with everything going on... I know I'm holding him; I'm carrying him, but I just want to be there for him. She's the only one who can actually be there and is holding onto him... so it's comforting to know that if he does pass, he won't be alone."

The Upshot

I can't imagine what the McIntires are going through, but I truly believe these babies have a connection, even in the womb. Here's hoping that thought and this extremely rare and beautiful image will comfort them in the coming weeks and months.


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