Friday 2 December 2016

Mom Delivers 3 Sets of Twins in Just 5 Years!

This amazing mom not only successfully carried two twins pregnancies for her own family, but she helped another couple welcome twins as well.

The Short of It

After miscarrying, Andrea and Mark Rivas never imagined they would be parents to two sets of twins, and that Andrea would act as a surrogate for another set of multiples!

The Lowdown

This is one mama who was meant to carry babies two at a time!

Over the past five years, Andrea has birthed three sets of twins. Her journey started when she conceived Conor and Avery via in vitro fertilization in 2012. She met Sandi and Philip Palmisano during her treatments. They had gone through four cycles of failed IVF and didn't know if they would ever be able to realize their dream of also becoming parents.

One day, Andrea says she just blurted out she would carry a pregnancy for the couple. And in 2014, she helped the Palmisanos welcome Emma Lee and Grayson.

Not long after that, Andrea told Today, "I started feeling sick. It's not common for me, unless I am pregnant." But since doctors told her that her chances of natural conception were slim, she didn't think she could be expecting. That is until she saw the positive pregnancy test.

At a prenatal appointment, Andrea said an ultrasound technician informed the Rivases, "'Oh, the baby looks great! Just relax guys, there's just one this time.'" But their relief only lasted a few moments. Not surprisingly, a doctor soon confirmed it was twins again! Leah and Elyse were born 37 weeks later.

The Upshot

"She brings blessings two at a time!" says Sandi about this amazing mom.

Someone get this woman a medal!

Meanwhile, Sandi hopes their story inspires other couples who are struggling to conceive.

"Never surrender when you continue to fail, no matter what happens," she advises.


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