Thursday 1 December 2016

3 Sets of Twins Born Half in 2011, Half in 2012

There’s little better way to ring in a new year than with the birth of a baby. Little better way to close out a year than with the birth of a baby, for that matter. Three lucky couples recently got to do both, with sets of twins born on either side of the new year, with completely different birthdates and years.

There’s little better way to ring in a new year than with the birth of a baby. Little better way to close out a year than with the birth of a baby, for that matter. Three lucky couples recently got to do both, with sets of twins born on either side of the new year, with completely different birthdates and years, reports

In Minneapolis, Minnesota, Stephanie Peterson, went into labor on Friday, well before her February due date, reports CBS Minnesota. She gave birth at just 34 weeks to son Beckett Humenny (4 lbs, 11 oz) at 6:40 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. His twin sister Freya (5 lbs, 2.5 oz) was born at 12:26 a.m. on New Year’s Day.

Plus: 13 Celeb Parents of Twins

In Buffalo, New York, Brighid Rosputni welcomed son Ronan Stephen (6 lbs, 14 oz) at 11:37 p.m. Saturday, the last baby born in 2011 at Women & Children’s Hospital in Buffalo, reports the Buffalo News. Brother Rory Stephen (6 lbs, 15 oz) arrived at 12:10 a.m. on Sunday. Incredibly, Rosputni’s water broke Saturday morning, but she was determined to attend her sister’s wedding, which she did, and then sent her older four children to the reception before giving birth to the twins, who were both born feet first, or breech, without any pain medication. Wow.

Plus: Study: Moms of Twins Live Longer

And finally, in Tampa, Florida, Jocelyn Bear gave birth to twin daughters Jenna and Leah, reports the Tampa Bay Times. Jenna (6 lbs, 15 oz) was born at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, and Leah (6 lbs, 4 oz) was born just a minute later Sunday morning.

Plus: Twins: A Survivor’s Manual

Did you ever have a due date close to New Year’s Day? Were you hoping for a New Year’s baby?


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