Monday, 2 January 2017

5-Year-Old Girl Helps Save Her Twin's Life by Donating Stem Cells

This inspiring little girl didn't hesitate when she was asked if she'd help her twin brother.

The Short of It

When her 5-year-old twin brother, Bradley needed a stem cell transplant to treat acute myeloid leukemia, Charlotte Godish didn't hesitate to help. The surgery took place this past February, and the family spoke about their story earlier this month now that Bradley's cancer is in remission and the twins have started kindergarten.

The Lowdown

Brian Godish of Elgin, Illinois, told ABC News that when he and his wife asked their daughter if she wanted to help Bradley, who diagnoised acute myeloid leukemia, get better, she responded, "Yeah, just let me know when you need me."

"She didn't understand the whole medical process, but what she did understand was she wanted to help her brother," Godish said.

The surgery took place last winter at the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, and all went well, according to the twins' transplant doctor, Dr. Jennifer Schneiderman, who said that the little girl was very eager to help her twin and said she would do whatever she needed to do. Thanks to her selfless donation, Bradley is in remission now—and both kiddos are in school.

The Upshot

We really hope as parents they learn from this—to always be selfless to always help somebody out, to always give," Brian told ABC News. "Charlotte's always been such a selfless person and Bradley's been such a good-natured kid. This shows how valuable love and life is and I hope they never take life for granted." Indeed, this is a beautiful and inspiring story about the bond between siblings—and we wish them both well!


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