Friday 21 October 2016

Twin Birth Stories

In this section of our website you can read stories about other parent's experiences of being pregnant with and giving birth to twin babies. Pregnancy and birth stories are a great way to learn about situations similar or different to your own. We'd love you to send us your own story to share with others.

Jude and Jesse's Birth Story

My twin pregnancy was a long and arduous journey, and tested all of my physical and mental limits. It was with some relief that I noted my mucus plug at week 35, on a Monday; I was a little bit nervous at how 'early' this sign of impending labour was for the babies’ sake, but I trusted my body and knew the babies would come when they were ready.

Rosina and Lilian's birth story

When Penny arrived at the birthing unit doors she could not have imagined that 30 minutes later she would have birthed her twin girls. Yet at 39 weeks, with her husband, trusted independent midwives and two year old daughter at her side, that is precisely what Penny did. Read the story of the gloriously uncomplicated arrival of Rosina and Lilian. Find out more...

Twin Breech Birth Story

For an unplanned pregnancy, we were certainly surprised when we discovered two little beings on the first ultrasound. We had initially planned a homebirth, with our midwife who had supported us at our daughter's birth at home one year ago. However due to the increased risks associated with twins, we decided to opt for a hospital birth.

Fifteen with Twins

This is my birth story: Fifteen with twins. It was the night of my year 10 formal. I went with my boyfriend, Cameron, of 3 years. We had a really good and fun night and decided to sleep together later that night.

Twin Home Water Birth

Justine Caines is the secretary of Homebirth Australia and a respected advocate of natural birth. She gave birth to twins at home in December 2005, and tells their story


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