Monday 31 October 2016

What are the chances of having Twins.Triplets or Quads ?

You may be wondering what are the chances of conceiving twins. triplets or more and can you increase the odds ?

The odds of having multiples are influenced by many factors. and twinning rates have changed throughout the years due to some of those factors. It's interesting to analyze the statistics and to consider you odds for winning the multiples lottery. So. are you a candidate for twins. triplets. quads or even quints ?

General Statistics About Multiples

Among the UK population. the chances of having twins in the 21st century are about 1.5 in 100. or about 1.5%. Your chances are better than ever; researchers have recorded an increase of nearly 50% since the early 1980s. The most recent statistics in 2004 show that twins. triplets and quads represented 14.87 of every 1.000 births or 1 in 67 pregnancies was a multiple birth (or 1 in every 34 children is a twin/triplet).

Increase or Decrease Your Chances of Having Twins/Multiples

You'll increase your odds of having twins/multiples if....

Maternal Age : 

You (the mother) are over age 35. The chances of having twins increases with age; in the 2004 UK statistics. the twinning rate of mothers over the age of 35 is 21.7 per 1000 maternities and becoming a mother after age 45 boosts your odds considerably to 56.7 per 1000 !

Assisted Conception : 

You take fertility drugs or undergo other fertility treatments. No one can deny that the availability of fertility enhancements has increased the multiple birth rate and on average the chances of having a multiple birth after fertility enhancing treatment is around 25% although you need to account for the fact that some fertility treatments have odds of only 20% chance of becoming pregnant.

Maternal History : 

You. your mother. or her mother's mother is a fraternal twin. These women may carry a gene for hyperovulation. which means they release more than one egg during an ovulation cycle. increasing their ability to conceive fraternal twins. The chances may increase if the mother is a fraternal twin herself.

Previous Pregancies :

You've already had one set of fraternal twins. For mothers who have already had one set of fraternal twins. their chances of conceiving another set are five times greater than the average woman. or about 1 in 14 ! Women who have had more than four previous pregnancies are also more likely to conceive twins.

Race :

You're Nigerian. This African country purportedly has the highest twinning rate in the world. estimated at around 1 in 20. Some sources attribute it to their consumption of large quantities of yams. (It's worth a try if you really want to have multiples!)

You're overweight or tall. 

A recent 2005 study published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported a significant increase in fraternal twin births to mothers who had a BMI of 30 or higher. or who were in the top 25th percentile for height.

You'll decrease your odds of having twins/multiples if...

Race :

You (the mother) are Asian. Among worldwide populations. the Asian countries of Japan and China have the lowest twinning rates. estimated at 1 in 150 and 1 in 300. respectively.

Age : 

You (the mother) are under age 25. The chance that a woman would bear twins before her 25th birthday are is less than half of what it would be after age 35. The Uk 2004 statistics showed the twinning rate to be only 6.3 per 1000 for the under 20s compared to the average of 14.87 for the total population.

Zygosity :

You're looking for identical multiples. The rate for identical. or monozygotic. multiples is random and universal; it's the same in all populations regardless of race. heredity or other factors. and it has remained constant over time. The chances of having identical twins is about 1 in 285.

Odds of Triplets. Quadruplets &; Higher Order Multiples

The statistics for higher order multiples in the UK have shown a dramatic decrease in recent years. The odds of conceiving triplets is about 1 in 4.400. In the UK. there has been a substantial decrease in the rate of triplet births over the last few years. (Triplet births peaked in 1998 with 297 sets born in the UK). primarily due to the HFEA regulations limiting the number of embryos that can be transplanted since 2001.

The odds of having quads is currently 1 in 142.000 (latest statistics show there& ;were 5 sets born in the UK in 2004) but for spontaneous quadruplets (non-assisted) the chances are predicted to be 1 in 729.000.

There have been no sets of quintuplets born in the UK since 2002 where there were 2 sets born and the last set of sextuplets that was born was in 1993.

It is estimated that 60% of triplets are the result of fertility enhancing treatments; while 90% of quadruplets are due to reproductive technology.


Your likelihood of having twins or more

How common are twins and other multiple births?

As of 2013, twins accounted for about 3 in 100 births in the United States. And 1 in 837 births were triplets or higher order multiples.

Between 1980 and 2009, the birth rate for twins rose by about 76 percent and has remained about the same since then. The rate of triplets and higher order multiples quadrupled from 1980 to 1998 but has since dropped by more than one-third.

It's possible that the birth rate of fraternal twins, which happens when two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm, has slowed because of counseling by fertility doctors about the health risks of having twins or more. (The likelihood of having identical twins, which happens when one fertilized egg divides in half, is holding steady at about 3 to 5 in 1000 births. This rate hasn't changed over the decades and is remarkably constant all over the world.)

What caused the increase in multiples?

It was partly due to more women waiting longer to have a baby. Hormonal changes as you age make it more likely that your body will release more than one egg at a time – and more than one fertilized egg often means more than one baby.

But the rise in multiple births was mostly due to women using fertility drugs and assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help them conceive. These drugs and certain treatment decisions greatly increase the odds of having twins or higher order multiples.


If I'm undergoing fertility treatment, how likely am I to have more than one baby?

It depends on the type of fertility treatment.

Fertility drugs stimulate your ovaries, increasing the odds that you'll release several eggs at the same time.

If you have in vitro fertilization (IVF), your chances of having more than one child vary depending on your age, how many embryos are placed in your uterus, and other factors. According to recent national data, the percentage of IVF treatments resulting in twins or more were as follows:

29.1 percent for women younger than 35

26.5 percent for women age 35 to 37

20.9 percent for women age 38 to 40

13.6 percent for women age 41 to 42

8.8 percent for women age 43 and above

On its own, IUI (intrauterine insemination), the procedure in which sperm are placed into the uterus with a syringe, is the only fertility treatment that doesn't increase the chances of conceiving multiples. But most women who undergo IUI also take a fertility drug, which does.

What other factors affect the chances that I'll have more than one baby?

Although conceiving identical twins almost always happens by sheer chance, several factors can influence the probability that you'll have fraternal twins.


If you're a twin, or if there are twins in your family, you're slightly more likely to have a set yourself.


The older you are, the higher your chances of having fraternal twins or higher order multiples. Women age 35 or older produce more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) than younger women. FSH is also the hormone that causes an egg to mature in preparation for ovulation each month, and women with extra FSH may release more than one egg in a single cycle. So older women are statistically less likely to get pregnant, but they're more likely to have twins if they do.

History of twins:

Once you have a set of fraternal twins, you're twice as likely to have another set in future pregnancies.

Number of pregnancies: 

The more pregnancies you've had, the greater your chances of having twins.


Twins are more common than average among whites and African Americans and less common in Hispanics and Asians.

Body type: 

Fraternal twins are more common in large and tall women than in small women.


Saturday 29 October 2016

Giving birth to twins

Will I have to give birth in hospital if I'm expecting twins or more?

Nearly all women expecting twins or more give birth in a consultant-led hospital unit. Your obstetrician and midwife are likely to advise you that this is the safest place for you to have your babies. However, much depends on your circumstances and how your pregnancy is going.

Your hospital will have worked out its own policy on twin births, taking into consideration national guidelines. These guidelines recommend a planned (elective) birth for twins or more. 

A planned birth is one where: 

your labour is induced or
you give birth by elective caesarean section

Hospital is the only place where you can have these types of birth. 

A planned birth also means that your obstetrician will recommend a date for your labour to be started or for your babies to be born by c-section. She should discuss the timing of your babies' birth with you early in your third trimester. 

Your obstetrician will take into account whether your twins share a placenta (monochorionic) or each one has their own placenta (dichorionic) when recommending a date for them to be born. 

National guidelines recommend a planned birth for:

Dichorionic twins from 37 weeks.

Monochorionic twins from 36 weeks.

Triplets from 35 weeks. Mums expecting triplets will be offered a course of steroids to help their babies' lungs develop before they're born.

It's safest for babies who share a placenta to be born in hospital, where specialist medical care is at hand. And even if your twins have their own placentas, there are still potential risks that could make birth difficult. 

In any birth of multiples, there's a greater likelihood of heavy bleeding for the mum after the birth. Newborns often need immediate help after birth too. Just under half of twin babies and nearly all triplets need to spend some time in special care.

All these reasons point to why you're most likely to have your babies in hospital. But, ultimately, the decision is yours. Talk to your midwife or obstetrician about your birth options, in the context of how your pregnancy is going. You could also make an appointment with the head of the labour ward or a supervisor of midwives at your hospital to discuss your preferences. 

If you opt for a hospital birth, check out these ways to make your room comfortable for labour.

Do I have to have a planned birth with twins?

Despite hospital policies and national guidelines, it's up to you to decide where and when to give birth. 

If your twin pregnancy has been without complications, and your babies don't share a placenta, it is possible to wait for your labour to start naturally. This could also open up the option of giving birth at a birth centre or at home. You'll need to plan this well in advance with your obstetrician and midwifery team. 

National guidelines recommend planned birth for all twins because, in complicated pregnancies, it reduces the risk of one or both of the babies being stillborn. 

However, for uncomplicated twin pregnancies, it's not clear whether planned birth by induction or caesarean is better for mums and babies than waiting for labour to start naturally. 

If your babies are healthy and growing well, and you want to wait for labour to start naturally, your obstetrician should support you. It's an individual decision, and some parents consider a wide range of issues when weighing up what to do, including:

how well mum is coping with the pregnancy

how they feel about interventions during labour and birth

how likely it is that a caesarean will be needed

whether opting for a planned birth would affect the mum's chosen place of birth

If you decide against an induction or planned caesarean, you'll need weekly checks with your obstetrician to ensure that you and your babies are healthy.

What are my chances of having a vaginal birth with twins?

If both your twins are growing well and you've had no complications during your pregnancy, you may be able to have a vaginal birth. About four out of 10 twins are born vaginally. 

Some hospitals insist on a mum giving birth by caesarean if she's carrying identical twins who share a placenta. 

Ask your midwife or obstetrician what your hospital's policy on twin births is, and whether any of the maternity team has experience of vaginal twin births. Ask them to explore thoroughly the risks and benefits of vaginal birth with you, taking into account your circumstances. 

The position of the twin that's likely to born first will have a big influence over the type of birth you have. If your first twin is in a head-down position, you may be able to have a vaginal birth. 

It's likely that your second baby can then be born vaginally too. Once your first baby is born, there'll be more space in your womb (uterus). So if your second baby is in a breech position or lying across your cervix, your obstetrician can turn her into a head-down position. 

Your obstetrician may move your baby by palpating your belly in a manoeuvre called external cephalic version (ECV). Alternatively, she may be able to insert her hand through your fully open cervix to reach your second baby. 

Attempts to turn a second twin are usually successful. In less than five per cent of cases, the second twin needs to be born by caesarean.

What's a vaginal twin birth like?

Because you're giving birth to more than one baby, there'll be more health professionals in the room than there would be for a singleton birth. 

The medical team may include two midwives, an obstetrician and, as your babies' birth approaches, two paediatricians and possibly two neonatal unit nurses, one for each baby.

Your midwife will offer you pain relief such as gas and air and pethidine. 

It's likely you'll also be offered an epidural or to have one set up, along with a needle in a vein in your arm (a drip). Having an epidural and a drip set up means you can have your pain relief topped up quickly if you need an assisted birth or a caesarean later on. 

It's worth discussing your pain relief options with your midwife during pregnancy. You can then include your preferences in your birth plan. 

Keep in mind that labour and birth are unpredictable, though. Your midwife or doctor may recommend a course of action at any time that isn't what you'd hoped for, but which will always be in the best interests of you and your babies. 

During labour, expect to have your babies monitored with electronic fetal monitors (EFM). This is standard practice for multiple births. 

Your midwife will strap a belt with sensors attached to wires around your belly. The sensors pick up your babies' heartbeats and the intensity and frequency of your contractions. You will need to have two belts to pick up each twin's heartbeat. 

Once your waters have broken, your midwife may ask your permission to attach a wire to the top of your first twin's head. At this stage, your baby's head will be showing through your widening cervix. The wire is called a fetal scalp electrode, and it's a clearer way to measure your baby's heartbeat. 

When you're ready to push, your obstetrician may ask to move you to the operating theatre, in case you need an assisted birth. Some hospitals have a policy of carrying out assisted births in a theatre setting. You'll also be in the right place in the unlikely event you need a c-section to give birth to one or both of your babies.

Once your first baby is born vaginally, your midwife or doctor will check the position of your second twin by:

feeling your tummy
asking your permission to do a vaginal examination
carrying out an ultrasound scan

If your second baby is in a good position to be born, your midwife or obstetrician will break the waters surrounding him. Your second baby is likely to be born very soon after your first, because your cervix is already fully open (dilated).

If your contractions stop after your first twin is born, your midwife will add hormones to the drip to restart them. 

Once you've given birth to your babies, you'll deliver the placenta or placentas. This is the third stage of labour. Your midwife will recommend that you have a managed third stage, when delivery of the placenta or placentas is helped along with a hormone injection. 

Your midwife will give you the injection in your thigh, soon after you've given birth to your second baby. The injection helps to protect you against heavy bleeding. There's an increased risk of bleeding when the placenta is larger, and because your womb has been stretched by two babies.

Why might I have to give birth by c-section with twins?

Your babies will have to be born by caesarean if the placenta or one of the placentas is covering the opening to your cervix (placenta praevia). Placenta praevia is case where a vaginal birth is not possible.

In addition, you may be advised to have a planned caesarean if:

You've had a caesarean before.

You've had a difficult or complicated birth before.

You've had a complication during your pregnancy, such as one or both of your twins are not growing as well as expected.

Your twins share a placenta and an amniotic sac (monochorionic monoamniotic). A caesarean is recommended because of the risk of your babies' umbilical cords becoming tangled during vaginal birth.

You may go into labour, but still need to have an unplanned caesarean if:

There is a complication with your labour, such as your twins moving into an awkward position.

One or both of your babies have become distressed during labour.
Your labour is slowing down.

You have high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia that doesn't respond to treatment.

The cord falls through your cervix ahead of your baby or babies (prolapse).

What can I do to avoid a caesarean?

Try to stay as fit and healthy as you can during pregnancy, as this will help you to cope with labour when the time comes. Try to stick to a gentle exercise programme throughout your pregnancy. 

Be as active during labour as possible. Keeping mobile may improve your chances of avoiding a caesarean.

However, this may be a challenge in a twin birth, as fetal monitoring can restrict you physically. Some hospitals have mobile monitors that allow you to move around freely.

Having a birth partner to give you continuous support while you're in labour may reduce your chances of having an unplanned caesarean. You'll need good, solid support from the moment your labour starts. You could ask your partner, a friend, a relative, or a doula to take the role.

Have a look at this infographic, which summarises the risks and benefits of giving birth by caesarean section if you're expecting twins


Giving birth to twins or more

It's important to understand your birth options if you are expecting more than one baby.

Twins and triplets are more likely to be born early and need special care after birth than single babies.

Your birth choices with twins

It's a good idea to discuss your birth options with your midwife or consultant early on in your pregnancy.

You'll probably be advised to give birth in a hospital as there's a higher chance of complications with twins.

There are usually more health professionals at a multiple birth – for example, there may be a midwife, an obstetrician and two paediatricians: one for each baby.

For more information on who's who, read about the antenatal team.
The process of labour is the same, but your babies will be closely monitored. To do this, an electronic monitor will usually be strapped to your bump.

A scalp clip may be fitted to the first baby once your waters have broken. This won't harm them or hurt them in any way.

You will be given a drip in case it is needed later – for example, to restart contractions after your first baby is born.

Triplets or more babies are almost always delivered by a planned caesarean section.

Can you have a natural birth with twins?

Lots of women think they have to have a caesarean section with twins. In fact, more than 40% of all twins are born vaginally and the process is similar to that of a single baby.

If you're planning a vaginal delivery, it's usually recommended that you have an epidural for pain relief.

If there are any problems, it's easier for your antenatal team to deliver your babies quickly if you've already had an epidural.
Find out more about the signs and stages of labour. 

You're more likely to have a vaginal birth if the first twin is in a head-down position (cephalic).

However, there may be other medical reasons why this isn't possible. If you've had a caesarean section before, for example, it's not usually recommended that you have a vaginal birth with twins.
If you have a vaginal birth, you may need an assisted birth. This is where a suction cup (ventouse) or forceps are used to help deliver your babies.

Once the first baby is born, your midwife or doctor will check the position of the second baby by feeling your tummy and doing a vaginal examination. They may also use an ultrasound scan.

If the second baby is in a good position, it should be born soon after the first as the cervix is already fully dilated. If contractions stop after the first birth, you may be given hormones via a drip to restart them.

Caesarean section and twins

In the UK, more than half of twins and almost all triplets are delivered by caesarean.

You may choose to have a planned caesarean, or your doctor may recommend a caesarean for medical reasons. 

If the first baby is lying feet, knees or buttocks first (breech position), or one twin is lying sideways (transverse position), you will have to have a caesarean section.

There are other conditions that make it more likely that you will have a caesarean section. For example, you may need one if you have a low-lying placenta (placenta praevia) or if your twins share a placenta (monochorionic).

Find out more about what complications can affect the placenta.
If you have had a difficult delivery with a single baby before, you may be advised to have a caesarean section with twins. 

As with any pregnancy, if you plan a vaginal birth, you may still end up having an emergency caesarean.

This could be because the babies become distressed, for example, or the cord falls into the birth canal ahead of the baby (prolapses).
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has more information on umbilical cord prolapse in late pregnancy.

In very rare cases, you may deliver one twin vaginally and then need a caesarean section to deliver the second twin. This happens in less than 5% of twin births.

Finding out if your twins are identical

After the birth, your midwife will examine the placenta to check that it's all there and look at the membranes.

If your babies have a single placenta with one outer membrane (chorion) and two inner membranes (amnion), they must be identical (monozygotic).

Otherwise, the only way to tell if they're identical is through DNA testing. This isn't available on the NHS.


Friday 28 October 2016


Many couples around the world that are trying to get pregnant, and are hoping for twins. Although the chances of getting pregnant with twins naturally are only 3%, according to experts, there are things that we can do to better these odds. For example, diet, ethnicity, genetics and lifestyle all play a role in whether a woman is more suitable to allow you to conceive twin kids.


Understand that the average person’s chance of having twins is about 3%. 

Not so high. But it is highly probable that you are not average. If you have any of the below, your chances increase. If you have a lot or all of the below, your chance gets higher a lot. The opposite is also true, if you do not have any of the below, then the chances of you twinning are extremely low.

Having twins “in the family,” especially on your mother’s side. Iif you already have twins, the chances increase quadrupled.
People of African descent are known to be of the highest probability to conceive twin kids. These are followed by Europeans. Caucasian and Asians have the lowest chance of having twins.

Your chances are better, if you are tall or well nourished, or even overweight.
It also helps if the woman has been pregnant before. Women with 4 or more pregnancies increase their chances of twins dramatically. It seems that the body is more likely to have twins after it knows you “can take it.” In the families that have a dozen children or more, the numbers of twin births are much higher as they have more pregnancies.

Know that even though older women are less probable to get pregnant, however, if they do, they have a better probability to have twins.

 The older you are, the probability of you conceiving twin kids increases a lot. At the age of about 40, your chances are higher and jump to 7%. If you manage to get pregnant at 45, the chances are about 17%. Older women are most likely to get IVF and IVF is also known to increase your chance of twinning.


Do not forget the vitamins

People low on nutrition are less likely to have twins.

All the vitamins are good for you, but folic acid in particular helps the most. You can get them at any pharmacy.
Folic acid is recommended for all pregnant women, because it is known to prevent birth defects.However, you should not take more than the optimum 1000mg a day.

Ensure that you are well nourished, and eat particular foods

Underweight or malnourished people are less likely to have twins.

Being well nourished or overweight may increase your chances.
Consult your doctor about any plans for weight gain. Make sure that you are not just overweight, but also healthily nourished.

Eat lots of dairy and yams

In some cultures, these foods are linked to better chances of twins.

A study conducted by a leading fertility specialist found that women who consume dairy products while trying to get pregnant, increase their chances of having twins by as much as 5 times over women who do not consume such foods.
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) is produced in the livers of cows, is believed to be the chemical catalyst in this process.
According to some other studies, drinking the milk of cows treated with rBGH hormones can influence human women to have twins more frequently.

An African tribe has a diet rich in wild yams. They have a twin birth rate 4 times higher than the global average. Nutrients in the vegetable are believed to stimulate the ovaries into producing more than a single egg during the ovulation period.
While there are certain doctors who remain skeptical of this, there does not seem to be any harm in trying, yams happen to be delicious.

Knowing what is the right time to stop the birth control

You should not take the birth control pills right before trying to get pregnant. When you stop taking these pills, the body goes into overdrive. It tries hard to re-regulate the hormones. It is said that during the first couple of months, the ramped up ovaries, sometimes release 2 eggs.

You should consult your OB/GYN before attempting these to remain safe. There are artificial means to do this as well. Like IVF and other medicines. Good Luck!


Trying to Conceive Twins Naturally? Tips for Improving Your Chances

You know!!!! Only 1 out of 89 child births is twins. Having twins is such a great experience and so many couples are there who find themselves really in desire of twins.

Your chances of conceiving twins are more if earlier twins run in your family, but if your family doesn’t have twins and you really want, then there are some natural ways that you can try for getting twins.

1. Be Prepared:

If you want to conceive twins naturally, the first thing you need to do is to be prepared for getting pregnant and child birth. Raising twins could be a very difficult job, so proper preparation is required from couple.

Conceive Twins Naturally TipsAnd also as a woman, you should be able to carry two babies. Physical fitness is necessary to carry the twins. Taller and healthier females have more chances to give birth to twins when compared to others.

2. Folic Acid:

So many studies have been suggested that there is a link between twins and folic acid. Women who take the folic acid while they are trying to conceive have almost 40% of chances to conceive twins. Taking folic acid is a good idea for woman who is trying to conceive.

3. Managing Diet:

Taking good diet is one of the most effective and popular ways to conceive twin babies. Eat lot of dairy products like yogurt, buttermilk, curd and milk. Dairy products help in producing multiple eggs by ovaries, which ultimately increase the chance of conceiving twins.

Also eating wild yams and cassava root can also increase your chances. Eat cereals, legumes, leafy vegetables, grains, which help in conceiving twins naturally by increasing folic acid intake.

4. Know The Timing:

Conceiving shortly after stopping hormonal birth control drugs is also helpful. This method is not a surefire for having twins, but for some women, ovaries release more eggs when they stopped taking birth control pills, which in turn raise the chances of conceiving twins.

5. Gain Weight:

Actually adding a bit weight to your body could help you. But do not eat whatever you want because excess weight is also a cause for infertility. Women who are fatty than normal BMI, are more likely to conceive twins naturally as compared to other women.

6. Plan in your 30s: 

It has been founded that woman who waited for advanced maternal age have more chances of conceiving twin babies naturally, due to the changes that occur in the pre-menopause stage. These hormonal changes may cause multiple eggs to be released.

Mostly this occurs after 35 years. However women in this age group have fewer chances to get pregnant.

7. Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding:

It is well known thing that women do not ovulate while they are breastfeeding. But according to few studies breastfeeding period have 9 times more chances to conceive twins compared to normal time.

8. Increase the intake of dairy products:

According to the recent study, women who consume dairy products five times a day are more likely to conceive twins than women who don’t. Consuming milk or other dairy products from the cows that are treated with growth hormones can increase your chances of having twins.

9. Depending on your genes:

Most women just feel to be lucky enough to become pregnant with twins naturally, without trying it hard. Those are the women who have activated twin gene in their DNA. It makes you ovulate more than one egg during the ovulation period.

10. Give enough gap prior the next conception:

Giving enough gap before the next conception will increase the chances of conceiving twins. You should try as much as possible to have twins with enough space in the conception period. Don’t rush into conception every year. This can ruin the chances of giving birth to twins.

Whatever the result, the above tips must be followed wholeheartedly. Fate of a person and her body structure can influence the chances of conceiving twins.


Thursday 27 October 2016

Forever Blessed Cassava Supplement for Twins

Getting Pregnant with twins Naturally; using Ultra Fine Cassava™ Supplement.

We have devoted years of science and research to bring you the very best quality of ingredients to make the finest and most effective supplements possible.

What is Cassava and how can it help me have twins?  

The Cassava plant contains a chemical that causes hyper-ovulation. Cassava works by the same method as prescription fertility drugs, without the side effects.

Natural hormones called GnRH released by Cassava fool the brain into thinking there is insufficient estrogen, causing the brain to naturally release more of a hormone called gonadotropin, and dramatically increases the ovulation rate.

Cassava is known world wide for its effects on fertility. It helps with increasing the chance of twins, but also with overall fertility. Many women use this supplement to increase fertility even when they’re not trying for twins.

After taking our concentrated Cassava Supplement your chances of twins can go up by as much as 50%

Why Choose Forever Blessed Cassava Supplement

Forever Blessed grows a special and specific breed of cassava called ‘Ultra Fine Cassava™‘. Normal cassava, sweet cassava, wild cassava, and other varieties of cassava, do not release GnRH from the body and are not sufficient to increase fertility or chance of twins by more than 2%.

We are the only company to grow and use Ultra Fine Cassava™ no other company has access to it. Other companies use different varieties of cassava that are not useful as fertility aids. Because we grow the Cassava specifically for use in fertility supplements we can make sure it has the highest concentration possible, so that you can get the results you want, fast. Regular varieties of cassava can’t come close to the results of our Ultra Fine Cassava™.

Cassava Twins is dedicated to providing the most effective and purest products. Made in the USA. Our products are quality tested and hermetically sealed with certificate of analysis approval. Certified cGMP & GMP, and Certified FDA Registered Manufacturer.

Naturally Increase Your Chance of Having Twins

Our Cassava supplement is 900mg of concentrated powdered whole organic Ultra Fine Cassava™.  Studies indicate that 900mg of cassava supplement is the optimal dose for fertility. At that level gonadotropin levels rise without any related side effects, to help overall fertility and chances of twins.

Cassava supplement is a welcome, natural alternative to drugs.

See our Q&A section for a more extensive overview of answers about Cassava and this product including links to studies about Cassava


The normal rate of twins is about 1 in every 32 births or 3.1% chance. Cassava is an all natural supplement. It doesn’t matter if you are taking hormones or prescription drugs with it. It also doesn’t matter what time of the month you start to take it because it takes 30 days to become effective.

The results are cumulative. Your percent chance of hyper ovulation each month increases the longer you take it. 10% chance after the first bottle with an increase of 3% each additional bottle until 50% is reached. The effectiveness seams to max out at about fifty percent.

These percent chances are in ADDITION to your own chances of having twins or hyper-ovulating. If you are over 34 or have twins anywhere in your family, your percent goes up by another 10-15%.

Doing the Math: How Cassava effects the statistics of having twins. (**example)

**A 29 year old women whose grandmother was a twin and you take this pill for 3 months your percent chance of having twins would be 10+3+3=16% chance PLUS the 10-15% chance from heredity making her total chances 26-31% after 3 months of taking our supplement.

**A 34 year old women with no history of twins in your family there is a 10% chance of hyper-ovulation for her age plus a 10% chance for the first month of Cassava supplement. If she stays on the supplement for 4 months the chances are 10+10+9=29%

The longer the supplement is taken the higher the percent chance increase. The maximum chance of twins is reached after 11 months. That will give you a 50% chance of twins from our supplement, and that percent chance is added to whatever natural chances you already have


How to Increase Chances of Having Twins

Seven Factors and One Guaranty to Increase Your Odds.

Increasing Your Odds of Having Twins

Is there a way to increase chances of having twins? While some moms are genetically inclined to have twins, there are ways to increase the odds of having twins even if twins don't "run" in your family.

Who has the best odds of having twins or more?

Women on fertility drugs or undergoing fertility treatments, women who become pregnant over the age of 35, and women who have twins in their family tree are all moms with the best odds of having twins or more.

How to increase your chances of having twins:

While having twins (or more multiples) is still more chance than science, your chances of having twins may increase if:

You Use Fertility Drugs or Treatments 

Advancements in fertility drugs and treatments are probably the two reasons most responsible for the increase in twins, triplets, quads and higher multiple births.

 Fertility drugs and treatments such as invitro fertilization can bring a Mom's chances of having twins (or more) as high as 1 in 38. Be careful of your fertility drug if you don't want to risk having multiples! There is one study that shows using Chlomid may increase your chances of having twins (or more!) to as high as 1 in 5. You should definitely be having long discussions with your doctor about the real chances of having twins as part of your infertility treatment options.

 As wonderful as life with twins is, don't take a friend's prescription of Chlomid to increase your chances of having twins (this has happened!) Fertility drugs cause other side effects, and should never be taken without the supervision of a medical doctor.

You are an Older Mom 

There are several reasons why older moms (those over 30) see an increase in odds of having twins: Theory on Older Moms Increased Chances of Having Fraternal Twins The chance of having unassisted twins increases once Mom turns 30, and peaks around the time Mom turns 35 - 39. Your chance of having "unassisted" twins increases to 5% if you're between the ages of 35 - 39. Science is looking at the theory that older women are more likely to conceive twins because of a rise in the production of a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The theory is higher FSH levels can cause some ovaries to be over stimulated and release two - or more - eggs in a cycle. 

Theory on Older Moms Increased Chances of Having Identical Twins
Another theory on why older Moms have higher odds of having twins is that, as Mom becomes older, her eggs become more brittle, and instead of dividing during the initial phases of the baby's development, they split into two separate babies. 

Increased Use of Fertility Drugs

Women face decreased fertility over the age of 30. As a result, women in this age range are more prone to use fertility drugs, or other treatments, which increase the chances of having twins. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, about one-third of women between age 35 and 39 and two-thirds of women over 40 have fertility problems. If you are over 45, your chance of having twins is 17%. Who has the best odds of having twins or more using fertility drugs? If you're brave enough to try having a baby when you're over 50, your chance of having multiples is . . . 1 in 9.

Twins Run in Your Family 

"Do twins run in your family" is probably the second most common question asked to parents of multiples, right after "Are they twins????" The answer to the first question is, yes . . . and no. 

If you, your mother, or your mother's mother is a fraternal (dizygotic) twin your chances of having twins increases significantly. The main reason for this is an inherited a gene for "hyperovulation" - you release more than one egg during an ovulation cycle, which increases your ability to conceive fraternal twins. 

Some experts also say that there is no correlation between Dad's genetic background and the birth of twins. Other experts say that Dad may pass a 'twin gene' (the hyperovulation gene) from his side of the family to his daughter. Or the gene may be passed on to his son, who passes it on to HIS daughter - and so on. 

Many experts also say identical (monozygotic) twins are not hereditary - identical twins are simply random by nature. Studies and research show that none of the 'factors' seen in increased twin births (fertility treatments, age, weight, hereditary, etc.) make any statistical difference in the chances of having identical twins. Many families with identical twins, however, beg to differ!

Your Track Record 

If you have given birth to one set of fraternal twins already, your chances of having twins again is about 1 in 12! 

Even if you haven't given birth to twins, the more children you have, the higher the odds of having twins are with your next pregnancy. By your fourth or fifth pregnancy, your likelihood of having twins is four times greater than it was during your first pregnancy.

Weight and Height 

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recently released a study involving more than 50,000 pregnancies in the US that shows women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher saw an increase in chances of having twins. The study also found that taller women, in the 75 percentile for height, were also more likely to have multiples.

You are Nigerian 

You have increased odds of having twins if you are Nigerian. It is reported that Nigeria has the highest twinning rate in the world, about 1 in 22. A study concluded that the mother's diet was the cause, being high in cassava, a type of yam or sweet potato. The peelings of this vegetable are thought to contain a chemical that causes hyperovulation.

You eat a pre-pregnancy diet rich in dairy and animal protein. 

A study performed by Gary Steinman, MD of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, compared the twin birth rate of Vegan Moms (moms who eat no animal products, including milk) to those Moms that consumed dairy and other animal products. It turns out that the milk-drinking moms were five times more likely to have twins over the Vegan moms.

Best Way to Guaranty you Have Twins 

Although there are some things you can do to increase your chances of having twins, the only sure way to have twins in your family is to adopt. One of my friends has adopted not one but two sets of twins in her full house.

Odds of having Triplets, Quadruplets, and Higher Order Multiples 

While 95% of multiple pregnancies are twins, the triplets and higher order multiples are increasing, too. Between 1980 and 1999, the rate of twin births in the United States rose by 53 percent. The rate of triplets and higher multiple births went up by 400 percent (it's about 1 in 555) during this same period of time.
It is estimated that 60% of triplets and 90% of quadruplets are the result of fertility enhancing treatments and advances in reproductive technology. Many of the same factors that make Moms candidates to become a twin mom are the same for higher multiples.

Our Story 

I was 36, 5'4" with a BMI of 24 when we became pregnant with "unassisted" identical twins - our first (and last) . . . I've never been much of a yam eater. In my family, my paternal grandmother had twin sisters. My maternal grandfather had twin brothers. My husband's maternal grandfather had twin brothers. My father has boy/girl twin cousins, and the "male half" of those twins is the father of identical twin girls. A quick family history shows no other twins among either my parent's or my husband's parents' brothers and sisters and their offspring (our brothers, sisters and cousins). So, who knows? We'll watch to see what happens with our own boys and THEIR children!


Wednesday 26 October 2016

6 Factors That Increase Your Chance Of Having Twins Or Multiples

Time to dig out the family tree and have a think about your diet – these factors both increase your likelihood of having twins or multiples…

Your family history
Your lifestyle
Number of children you have
Maternal age
Where you’re from
Fertility treatment

So, you’re TTC – and visualising yourself brandishing a dirty nappy while your partner wrangles with a babygro.

That picture in your head includes one baby, not two or three, right? Thought so. Still, there are factors that can increase your likelihood of conceiving twins or multiples.

‘Identical twins, which make up around a third of twin pregnancies, come from one egg and are basically a fluke of nature – there’s no known common factor in those,’ says David Davies, consultant obstetrician at Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital. ‘But with non-identical twins or triplets, which come from different eggs, there are several shared influences.’ 

From what you eat to the size of your family, get clued up on the likelihood that you’re going to need a bigger buggy.

Your family history

Yes, that’s your history, not his. In fact, even if your partner has twins in his family, it makes no difference.

‘It’s all about the woman because you’re the one producing the eggs, so if you or your mum are twins, or perhaps your sister has multiple babies, then you’ll be more likely to conceive more than one,’ says David.

Your lifestyle

Women who have a low-fat diet, especially vegans and vegetarians, are less likely to have multiples than someone who goes for the whole milk and tucks into steak every Friday.

‘The possible causes of this are subtle hormonal changes in people with these different diets, as well as perhaps someone with a higher fat diet having a higher body mass index (BMI) – that’s a measure for checking how healthy your weight is in relation to your height,’ says David.

Number of children you have

Chances are this is just a case of odds – the more children you’ve had, the more likely at some stage you’ll conceive multiples.

The more children you’ve had, the more likely at some stage you’ll conceive multiples
You’re simply giving yourself more opportunities to strike lucky. 

‘There’s also the possibility that if you’ve always become pregnant easily in the past, you’re basically a good ovulator, so to speak’ says David.

Maternal age

Naturally conceived twins and triplets are more common in women in their 30s and 40s. 

‘This is about the way your ovaries work and how their function changes with age, so you may release more than one egg each month,’ says David.

Where you’re from

Western Europe sees around one in 60 twin pregnancies, while they’re much more rare in South East Asia. Meanwhile, in Nigeria, twins make up one in every 20 or 30 pregnancies.

‘There are no real theories I’m aware of that would account for this, but interestingly if you’re Nigerian and living in another country, you’re less likely to conceive multiples than if you’re based in Nigeria – so perhaps it’s to do with diet or climate,’ says David.

Fertility treatment

One of the biggies that can boost your likelihood of having more than one child is having fertility treatment, such as IVF.

‘When IVF started to get really affective in the US during the 1970s and 1980s, twin rates pretty much doubled,’ says David. ‘It’s down to your body being given drugs to stimulate it to ovulate and produce eggs.’
